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Leavenworth, Washington

Christmas Cheer: warming the heart on even the coldest of days.

In the crisp sunshine of central, snowy Washington state, is the small Bavarian-esque village of Leavenworth. Imagine everything you love about the holiday stories- the beautifully crafted illustrations of Santa, Rudolph, and the elves- and you will have imagined the spirit of Leavenworth. This small town is located on the southeast side of the North Cascade Mountain range in Central Washington. The town's population is estimated at around 2,000 people living in Leavenworth year-round. Despite being a popular tourist destination for visitors during the winter months that are drawn by the weekly Christmas Lighting Festival, Leavenworth has remained true to its identity. Leavenworth is also popular as it hosts Oktoberfest during the month of October. For those coming in December who are die-hard Oktoberfest fans, don't worry; you can still enjoy some brews while others meet up with Santa and take part in the ultimate gift-shopping experience.

Wade and I decided to brave the single-digit temperatures and venture out to this Bavarian village, where even the McDonalds has a custom Bavarian building.

The main street in Leavenworth was a busy place on this day, even with the chilly, below-freezing weather. Right across the street from the buildings (pictured) is a small sledding hill packed with kids having the time of their lives playing in the snow. The street is closed off to car traffic and small fire pits are placed along the street for visitors to huddle around warm up. It was a bit overcast on this day, but on a clear day the mountains surrounding Leavenworth are steep, vast and beautiful!

The streets were just starting to fill up for the Christmas Lighting festival going on later that evening. They even sell roasted chestnuts! How festive! It should be noted that this town is not Kate-friendly in terms of my diet right now as the major food groups are funnel cakes/elephant ears, giant pretzels, award-winning bratwursts, local beer, wine, and hot chocolate...not exactly on my list of foods I can eat right now on the elimination diet. Sounds more like the diet of Buddy the Elf! Because of this, I cannot accurately provide a review of food and drink in Leavenworth, but regardless, I had a great time walking around and enjoying the holiday decorations and cheer.

This centrally located gazebo hosts many musical groups and singers performing for the holiday festival. Merry holiday carols were being sung for all to enjoy while warming up at the fire pits.

If you want to make the most of the holiday season and embrace the traditional decor, Leavenworth is the place to go.

Unfortunately, photographs can be deceiving (and can also be viewed from the comfort of your warm, cozy home) and this photograph does not do justice to portray to readers how cold it really was. Apparently my body temperature regulation system is not very efficient and I hit my limit for how much cold weather I could tolerate before the festival started, so Wade and I headed home after enjoying walking through town and browsing in a couple shops. I suppose I am a Christmas pansy when it comes to cold weather...err, I mean, a poinsettia?

Happy Holidays, everyone! Sending you lots of love!

December 2016

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