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Simply The Best...

Images and Moments of 2016

...Better than all the rest!

This year I took over 4,000 photos (yes, you read that right) and as 2016 comes to an end, I wanted to reminisce and share my personal favorite images from the year.

Below are the top 19 photographs, in chronological order, capturing either a favorite event, moment, or feeling during this year.


North Shore, Oahu. My roommate, Kris, and I went on a wellness vacation in February to Hawaii for a yoga festival. We had the time of our lives doing paddle board yoga, tent-camping, booty-shaking, drinking coconut water, eating local pineapple and mango, and dancing to live music under the warm tropical sun. To me, this picture captures the joy of forgetting about your daily to-do list, as well as your shoulds, and musts. We had spent all morning driving up the coast of the island to claim our tent-site, singing along to our favorite early 2000s songs and stopped off at this spot on the beach for a break and I spotted this tree, perfect for climbing and sitting on in the warm breeze.

Below, the left image is the North Shore at sunrise before a great day of yoga, meditation, and yogurt parfaits. I love this picture because the light just radiates from the right side of the photo, and the mist is almost palpable just looking at it. I remember the cool breeze of the morning before everything had a chance to get sticky for the day.

Right, is Kris, and I embracing the Hawaiian lifestyle after 3-4 days of island life, we had pretty much settled in and sworn ourselves in as locals at this point.

Below, we are sitting on the back bumper of our dingy little rental car after climbing out of our tent on the very first morning of the yoga festival, sun rising, just eating fresh, local pineapple and mango. I remember just being absolutely thrilled and at peace with the fact that the only thing I had to worry about that morning was getting my breakfast eaten and heading to our first yoga class. Many would have wished for some room service or a warm breakfast but for me it was truly one of those small moments that you actually think "I really don't think it gets much better than this." More photos on this trip come February :)


Spokane, Washington. My Birthday.

One of the most memorable birthdays of my lifetime to date. In 2016 I really spent some time cultivating my enjoyment of wine and developing a knowledge for which types suit my palate the most. Because of this, when my absolute favorite wine guy agreed to host my birthday party, I felt like I was just told I could have my party at Disneyland, and then a second party at Disneyworld. I couldn't stop talking about it for weeks I was so excited, just ask my boyfriend Wade.

When the day finally came, I remember sitting at the table in my private wine tasting class discussing a French red wine when a vibrant young lady I didn't know walked into the store and sat at the table. I was confused, who is this girl that was joining in on my birthday?! Next thing I know, the wine guy is introducing her as a rep for French wines in the Bordeaux region, and, for the same wine that we were sipping on. What a wonderful turn of events that she had walked into the wine shop the day before, exploring Spokane, from Chicago. She agreed to come back and speak about her wine at my personal wine class. Oh, did I mention that next she serenaded me by singing 'Happy Birthday' in French? Swoon.

I love the picture below, on the right because it reflects the power of inspirational friendships in your life and welcoming those true smile lines. I am blessed with many strong female influences on my journey and treasure being around these positive minds- they keep feeding my own creativity.


Bozeman, Montana. In August, Kris and I took a drive to this town for a whirlwind weekend seeing a concert and exploring the backroads of Montana. We absolutely LOVED this AirBnB we stayed in as you can see from the picture below. I think that these images resonate with me greatly because it was one of those trips you remember years and years later as "the good old days."

Below, the picture on the right, is one of the few favorite pictures that I have of myself. I think that I look genuinely inspired and happy.

Below, one of the days of your life where you feel awakened in every sense and from every pore in your body. My creative side was stimulated by the details put into the apartment we stayed in, the local charm, the art shops, and murals painted on the buildings & sidewalks. Every bone in my skeleton was shaken by the music from the concert, my voice was hoarse from singing at the top of my lungs along to songs that Kris and I knew every, single, word to after playing them all on repeat during the drive to Bozeman. We ate good food, and drank good wine. We embraced the beauty of Bozeman as best we could in a single weekend.

Click here for the full post.


New Buffalo, Michigan.

My trip to Michigan was for my cousin's wedding but I had so much fun staying at the Lakeside Inn. One of the best parts was relaxing on the long front porch lined with wooden rocking chairs. Despite the sticky humid evenings and my fear of mass quantities of mosquito bites, rocking away in those chairs sure was relaxing. Plus the lake was only a few steps away from the front porch through the trees. Simply rocking away while not thinking about much at all is a great way to pass some time.

Below, is a house near Lake Michigan, that, some say is owned by an executive at Crate & Barrel. The image of this home struck me because of the soft, but radiant lighting, wrap-around porch, and unique home design. Initially we drove past the house and I had to go back and take this picture!


Eugene, Oregon. The place my soul calls home. Being back on campus at the University of Oregon as alumni during a day trip to the Oregon coast brought back great memories. It was hilarious to see current students trudging around campus looking sullen and disappointed at the prospect of heading to class but I was on cloud nine! My time at the University of Oregon was a period of such immense growth for me as a person and I wouldn't take it back for anything. No trip to the University of Oregon would be complete without a parking ticket to pay and I accidentally ensured that happened- whoops!

After spending time on campus, I headed to the winery of choice by many college students at the U of O. A day with the ducks and a glass of wine, what could be better?


Sandpoint, Idaho. This picture of Wade and myself warms my heart. This day was a wonderful reminder that just because things don't go according to plan that it will be a bad day. See the full story here.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a self-proclaimed sunshine child, always seeking the warmth from the sun. I am drawn to these images because of their unique portrayal of light.


Seattle, Washington. The photo below shows friendship at its finest. As I mentioned in my post with my open letter to paleo chef/book author Danielle Walker, my strong friendships are what help me to get through the tough days and celebrate the successes. Those true friends that support you, and try all of your, luckily good (and sometimes downright disgusting) meal ideas are ones that will receive the gold medal (& prime rib) in heaven.

Much love to everyone this year that has shared in my joy of creating All My Earthly Obsessions this year. It brings me so much happiness to hear that there are others that enjoy it as much as I do.

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